Hard to believe that it’s already been four months (and quickly moving towards five) since Scarred But Unscathed: Growing in Faith was published! Time. A resource that is not unlimited but we don’t each know what our limit will be. We don’t know when “our time” will come to an end as we know it. In Scarred But Unscathed: Growing in Faith each person interviewed spoke about time in relation to whatever they were sharing about their life’s path to this point. Some thought at the time of their event or situation that time being focused on making it through the situation would never end. They often felt as if they would never survive or graduate from the that time in their life..a time that they wished would end more rapidly than it actually did. Many of those interviewees now value the time during which the situation occurred and now find some peace in it. Time. We don’t own it or have anyway to control it. It just goes on and one until it doesn’t.
The question raised through the stories in the book is how will you use the time in your life? Will you find ways to add value to the world even if it’s just a small piece? Will you positively impact someone’s life? Will you allow yourself to move from being scarred with baggage, so to speak, to scarred with courage to confront whatever you come face to face with? 4 months and counting.
Looking forward to hearing from you!